Friday, April 16, 2010

We Done Struck Babysitter Gold Y'all!

Finding a good babysitter is like finding a juicy golden nugget, except better, because a golden nugget can't watch three kids, three and under.

Abbey is my proverbial golden nugget. My friend Lauren highly recommended her; a babysitter recommendation from Lauren Leonard is worth it's weight in gold (yes, I will use the gold analogy for all it's worth,, ar, ar). Not only that, but it's like having a sitter being put through an FBI background check. Not that I don't have high standards for babysitters, it's just LL has been in the game longer. She's thorough, that's all I'm saying.

When Abs (as I've come to call her) came to our house for the first time I thought, "Oh geez, she's young...and my kids are, 'Adventures in Babysitting' the unrated version." And if you haven't seen the movie--that means Davis girls=handful X3. It's not that I doubted Abs's ability--Lauren had covered that from the get-go. I just doubted her sanity would remain intact at close of sitting session, not to mention harboring any desire on her part to ever return to the Davis household. If toddler twins and a three-year-old will test most adult nerves (including mine), what would they do to poor teenage Abs?

I quickly discovered that Abs was one-up on me. Barring a few grizzly Laura incidents (if you've been reading my blaaags you'll know what I'm talking about), Abs came out of her babysitting experience unscathed (as far as I can tell). Not only that, but she actually came back for more! Even cooler and totally perplexing to me, she hasn't turned down a single offer of mine to watch the girls. She has a totally laid back and responsible persona for one her age. Oh and perhaps one of the greatest aspects of having Abs as our sitter--she won't let the three, three and under run her! Now that my friends, is far more valuable than any precious metal that I'll ever find.

Yes indeed, looks like the Davis family struck a goldmine. We love you Abs!

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