Saturday, September 12, 2009

MPS - Day Four

Day four of confrontation:

Mommy full of trepidation sending two-year-old to friend Amy's with nothing but big girl panties and HOPE for the morning. Mommy fears phone call from Amy informing of potty disaster, or even worse...lack-of potty-in-the-panties/shorts-disaster. NO -refuse to be sucked in by usual pessimistic vortex. Instead, save half of delicious Starbucks blueberry muffin as reward for good potty conduct at pick-up time (Ah, the sacrifices we make as mothers!). Mommy puts on brave face to long trek to Amy's front door from mini-van. Sees Laura in small window shortless. Uh-oh. No, no stay away from the vortex. Mickey (Amy's husband) reports: "Laura had a good day. She peed in the potty twice. She did have a little juicy poop in her pants...but I think she thought it was going to be fart." Mommy deliberates next move...Cite turd incident as accidental and praise two-year-old for using potty outside of house? Or deem turd as intentional and devour rest of Starbucks muffin? Allright, allright...Mommy decides on first option. Laura devours muffin instead, stays dry remainder of the day, and even poops in the potty after wiggling around the house for over an hour.

Conclusion of day four Mexican standoff - Mommy's taking this one as a win!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Love it... I'll be sure to tell Micky his text has been published. (Give 'em hell, Laura!)
